
Experience you never forget!

-Who are you and where do you come from?
I’m Lilia Mendes from Portugal. I have studied two years in university in Portugal and now I’m an exchange student in Laurea Hyvinkää. I have been here since september 2013 and still living here. My decision to come to Finland was based on a few things I heard about Finland. Finland has very good infrastructure and styuding methods and my teachers recommended this school. Finland’s cultur is also totally different than Portugal’s, so I was interest to get to know that.
-What kind of study system do you have in Portugal? Also projects or lectures?
In my university we have basic lectures and exams. Now when I’ve been here, I have studied in projects with other students. I think this P2P programme, working in projects, is good because you can create contacts and you get the real feeling about working with something. Also I think this programme could be developed a little more. Project teams could visit companies and discuss with employees about their working habits and systems and that way students could learn more and studying could become more realistic and active.

-Have you enjoyed your stay here in Hyvinkää and have you got new experiences here?
I have enjoyed being here a lot. I have visited new places e.g. Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn and Stockholm. Especially I like Finland’s winter and snow, which we don’t really have in Portugal. I also like the nature and peace you have here in Hyvinkää. When I Iarrived here I got support from international tutors. They helped us to find apartments and showed us the city. It has also been easy to be here, because everybody speaks English. Being an exchange student you get to know a country and a city very easily, so I would recommend this to everybody!

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